Striptopia DDW 2024

za 26-okt-2024
za 26-okt-2024

Striptopia DDW 2024

A Technology-driven pop-up strip club
Striptopia has redesigned the strip club experience to appeal to a new millennial audience, by making it a fair, safe, inclusive and fun-filled environment.

za 26-okt-2024

Stroming Queer
Locatie (intern) Mainstage
Doors19:00 Show20:00 Curfew02:30


19.00 Doors
20.00 – 22.00 Show One
23.00 – 01.00 Show Two
01.00 – 02.30 Party


Join us for an amazing show, and experience how design can transform a place that is usually perceived as scary and stifling, and a job that can be exploitative and at times even abusive.

The strip club experience is powered by a mobile app, that allows the audience to interact with performers through an interactive stage.

We provide a model for financial transparency, boundaries for consent and bodily autonomy. Come see our strippers and our fabulous show, and discover what design can do!